для уборки дома в Маналапане.
Подробности по телефону:
917 420 4030
для уборки дома в Маналапане.
Подробности по телефону:
917 420 4030
Adult Day Care в Северном Нью Джерси
с правами CDL Class B passenger endorsement
для вождения автобуса на 20 мест на полный или не полный рабочий день
Magnolia Adult Day Care, 2300 3rd Street, Fort Lee, NJ invites the submission of sealed bids in food service for Russian breakfast and Russian lunch as described in the New Jersey Department of Agriculture Child and Adult Care Food Program Invitation for Bid and Standard Contract. These meals are to be served to 20 Russian participants, ages 60 and older, Mondays through Fridays. Meals must meet the requirements mandated by the New Jersey Department of Agriculture Child and Adult Care Food Program. Meal delivery begins March 1, 2024. Bid specifications are available at 2300 3rd Street, Fort Lee, NJ. Sealed bids will be opened and read aloud February 20, 2024 at 2:15 p.m. Written proposals received after 5 p.m., February. 19, 2024 shall not be considered.